A Few Things To Discuss Before Hot Water Tank Installation

All appliances get old and stop working efficiently -- the key word here is efficiently. In general, it is much better to replace an appliance, like a hot water tank, when you notice it is not working as well as it used to and not wait until it quits working altogether. A hot water tank that is not working like it should is costing you money on your utility bill. The unit must work harder and longer to provide you with the hot water you need; as a result, you might wake up some morning and have to take a cold shower. When you realize the tank isn't working as it should, start looking around for a new unit and a company to do the installation. When calling the company, be sure to keep the following things in mind:

Tank or Tankless

While many people rave about a tankless hot water heater, it is not for everyone. In order to best determine if your home would benefit from one, an installation technician should come to your home to get an idea of how much hot water you may need at once. They will look at the location of the current tank, how many appliances you have that use hot water, and ask about the number of people in the house. Of course, you may decide to go with either a tank or tankless system, but it would be best to go with the technician's recommendations. 

Old Tank Removal

You will also want to ask if the installation of a new tank includes disposing of the old one. You do not want to have an old hot water tank sitting in your yard. If the installation price does not include removing the old tank, try to find a friend or relative who can do it for you.

Any Preparations

While the technician is there, ask them if there are any preparations you need to take care of before the installation can be done. In most cases, they will ask you to clear a path to the installation site that will allow for both the new and old tanks to pass. They can give you the dimensions to make sure you create a wide enough path. In addition, you may be asked to have any pets put outside or in a side room while they are working. This is done to ensure the pet does not accidentally get hurt if they get in the way.

Generally, hot water tank installation does not take long. Once you have picked out the new unit and set a date for installation, the job should be done that same day. Of course, if you wait until the old unit is not working at all, you may be without hot water for a few days as you decide which unit you want and set an installation date -- another good reason to not wait.

For more information, you can contact companies like Brown's Plumbing, Pumps & Spas.
