Dishwasher Not Draining? What You Need To Do

When your dishwasher doesn't drain, you may be tempted to call an appliance repairman to your home, although what you need is a plumber for this job. If your dishwasher isn't draining, it's more than likely because of a clog in your dishwasher drain, or you could have a clog in your drainage pipe. Either way, these are things you're going to need a plumber to help you with. Read on for a few things you may be able to do to clear out the clog.

Pour Drain Cleaner In The Drain

Pour some drain cleaner down the drain and follow the manufacturer's instructions on how much you need to add. Once the water drains, you still need to keep an eye on the dishwasher to make sure it continues to drain. If you still have a problem with the drain, it means there is still a clog, but now it's further in the drain. Also be sure to remove anything around the filter inside the dishwasher to be sure there wasn't anything clogging the filter inside.

Snake The Drain

Snake the drain in your dishwasher to remove any clogs inside that may be further in the drain itself. If you have a clog out further in the drain, a long rotating snake should be able to clear the clog for you. Remove the filter and assembly at the base of your dishwasher so as to not damage these parts of your dishwasher, then insert the snake into the drain. Push the snake further into the drain, as far as you can reach it, then turn on the snake to rotate it and remove the clog.

Replace The Drainage Pipe

You may need to have the drainage pipe replaced altogether. If the drainage pipe is too full, you may have to have the pipe replaced, as even a snake will only remove some of the clog inside the pipe. If the pipe is full of grease and oil that has built up and hardened in the drain, you should replace the pipe. Hiring a professional plumber to remove the section of pipe and replacing it with a new one is important, as you may not know exactly how to do this on your own. Remember to use dishwasher detergent to clean your dishes in your dishwasher to remove grease and oil from your dishes.

If you are having issues with your dishwasher not draining properly, you should call a company like Complete Plumbing for help. There could be a clog in the drain that is going to require a plumber's help.
